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Integrating WalletConnect into your DApp

This tutorial will be a basic guide on integrating WalletConnect V2 support into your decentralised application (DApp). Integrating WalletConnect support means users with Valora, Celo Wallet and other WalletConnect compatible wallets can interact with your DApp.


If you'd prefer a more managed and opinionated flow for connecting wallets to your DApp, checkout the use-contractkit library. It handles connecting to a variety of wallets (WalletConnect, Ledger, Metamask and more) and is a higher level abstraction than the library we'll be using in this tutorial.

This tutorial is platform independent and using TypeScript, so you may need to sort out a Webpack (or similar bundling tool) build pipeline before usage in your environment of choice.

Getting started#

Step one of creating our WalletConnect compatible application is installing the @celo/wallet-walletconnect library.

yarn add @celo/wallet-walletconnect

@celo/wallet-walletconnect is an abstraction we've built around the base @walletconnect/client library that conforms to the Wallet interface commonly used in the Celo ecosystem. The Wallet interface has a standardised and convenient API with operations like sendTransaction, signTypedData that you can use once the wallet has been initialised.

Initialise the client#

There's a few properties the WalletConnectWallet needs when instantiated, these properties will be shown to your users on their wallet of choice so it's important you specify them.

import { WalletConnectWallet } from '@celo/wallet-walletconnect'
const wallet = new WalletConnectWallet({  connect: {    metadata: {      name: 'The name of your awesome DApp',      description: 'Your DApp description',      url: '',      icons: [''],    },  },})

Establish the connection#

import { WalletConnectWallet } from '@celo/wallet-walletconnect'
async function connect() {  const wallet = new WalletConnectWallet({    connect: {      metadata: {        name: 'The name of your awesome DApp',        description: 'Your DApp description',        url: '',        icons: [''],      },    },  })
  const uri = await wallet.getUri()  // display this uri as a QR code to the user  await wallet.init()}

In this code snippet we're calling the getUri function on our WalletConnectWallet. This needs to be communicated "out-of-band", or via a QR code, to your user so they can scan it with their wallet. If you're developing a React.js based application, the react-qr-code library could be a nice option for you here.

After the wallet has scanned the QR code it should handle establishing a connection and the await wallet.init() promise will resolve.

Get connected accounts#

After the WalletConnectWallet has been initialised you can read the accounts that have been loaded as signers into the wallet. Any account here will be able to sign payloads or send transaction in your DApp.

import { WalletConnectWallet } from '@celo/wallet-walletconnect'
async function connect() {  const wallet = new WalletConnectWallet({    connect: {      metadata: {        name: 'The name of your awesome DApp',        description: 'Your DApp description',        url: '',        icons: [''],      },    },  })
  const uri = await wallet.getUri()  // display this uri as a QR code to the user  await wallet.init()
  // an array of addresses you can use to sign and  // send transactions  const accounts = await wallet.getAccounts()}

Initialise ContractKit#

As a final step, WalletConnectWallet (and any library that implements the Wallet interface we mentioned earlier) integrates natively with @celo/contractkit. This means you can start sending various transactions as soon as the wallet is initialised. Here's a full example displaying the end-to-end flow of connecting and sending transferring some CELO.

import { newKit } from '@celo/contractkit'import { WalletConnectWallet } from '@celo/wallet-walletconnect'
async function connect() {  const wallet = new WalletConnectWallet({    connect: {      metadata: {        name: 'The name of your awesome DApp',        description: 'Your DApp description',        url: '',        icons: [''],      },    },  })
  const uri = await wallet.getUri()  // display this uri as a QR code to the user  await wallet.init()
  const [from] = await wallet.getAccounts()  const kit = newKit('', wallet)
  const gold = await kit.contracts.getGoldToken()  await gold.transfer('0x...', '1').sendAndWaitForReceipt({ from })}

Wrapping up#

Hopefully you now have an understanding of how to build WalletConnect compatible DApps, keep exploring the docs to learn more and please connect with us on Discord if you need any help (or just want to chat)!