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celocli identity

Interact with ODIS and the attestations service

celocli identity:current-attestation-services#

Outputs the set of validators currently participating in BFT and which ones are participating in Celo's lightweight identity protocol

Outputs the set of validators currently participating in BFT and which ones are participating in Celo's lightweight identity protocol
USAGE  $ celocli identity:current-attestation-services
OPTIONS  -x, --extended          show extra columns  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo  --globalHelp            View all available global flags  --no-header             hide table header from output  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)

See code: src/commands/identity/current-attestation-services.ts

celocli identity:get-attestations#

Looks up attestations associated with the provided phone number. If a pepper is not provided, it uses the --from account's balance to query the pepper.

Looks up attestations associated with the provided phone number. If a pepper is not provided, it uses the --from account's balance to query the pepper.
USAGE  $ celocli identity:get-attestations
OPTIONS  --from=from                Account whose balance to use for querying ODIS for the                             pepper lookup
  --globalHelp               View all available global flags
  --identifier=identifier    On-chain identifier
  --network=network          The ODIS service to hit: mainnet, alfajores,                             alfajoresstaging
  --pepper=pepper            ODIS phone number pepper
  --phoneNumber=phoneNumber  Phone number to check attestations for
EXAMPLES  get-attestations --phoneNumber +15555555555 --from  0x47e172F6CfB6c7D01C1574fa3E2Be7CC73269D95
  get-attestations --phoneNumber +15555555555 --pepper XgnKVpplZc0p1
  get-attestations --identifier  0x4952c9db9c283a62721b13f56c4b5e84a438e2569af3de21cb3440efa8840872

See code: src/commands/identity/get-attestations.ts

celocli identity:identifier#

Queries ODIS for the on-chain identifier and pepper corresponding to a given phone number.

Queries ODIS for the on-chain identifier and pepper corresponding to a given phone number.
USAGE  $ celocli identity:identifier
OPTIONS  --context=context                                  mainnet (default), alfajores, or                                                     alfajoresstaging
  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) The address from which                                                     to perform the query
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
  --phoneNumber=+14152223333                         (required) The phone number for                                                     which to query the identifier.                                                     Should be in e164 format with                                                     country code.
EXAMPLE  identifier --phoneNumber +14151231234 --from  0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631 --context alfajores

See code: src/commands/identity/identifier.ts

celocli identity:test-attestation-service#

Tests whether the account has setup the attestation service properly by calling the test endpoint on it

Tests whether the account has setup the attestation service properly by calling the test endpoint on it
USAGE  $ celocli identity:test-attestation-service
OPTIONS  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Your validator's signer                                                     or account address
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
  --message=message                                  (required) The message of the SMS
  --phoneNumber=+14152223333                         (required) The phone number to send                                                     the test message to
  --provider=provider                                Test a specific provider (try                                                     "twilio" or "nexmo")
EXAMPLE  test-attestation-service --from 0x97f7333c51897469E8D98E7af8653aAb468050a3

See code: src/commands/identity/test-attestation-service.ts

celocli identity:withdraw-attestation-rewards#

Withdraw accumulated attestation rewards for a given currency

Withdraw accumulated attestation rewards for a given currency
USAGE  $ celocli identity:withdraw-attestation-rewards
OPTIONS  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d          (required) Address to                                                             withdraw from. Can be the                                                             attestation signer address                                                             or the underlying account                                                             address
  --globalHelp                                               View all available global                                                             flags
  --tokenAddress=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  The address of the token                                                             that will be withdrawn.                                                             Defaults to cUSD

See code: src/commands/identity/withdraw-attestation-rewards.ts