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celocli account

Manage your account, keys, and metadata

celocli account:authorize#

Keep your locked Gold more secure by authorizing alternative keys to be used for signing attestations, voting, or validating. By doing so, you can continue to participate in the protocol while keeping the key with access to your locked Gold in cold storage. You must include a "proof-of-possession" of the key being authorized, which can be generated with the "account:proof-of-possession" command.

Keep your locked Gold more secure by authorizing alternative keys to be used for signing attestations, voting, or validating. By doing so, you can continue to participate in the protocol while keeping the key with access to your locked Gold in cold storage. You must include a "proof-of-possession" of the key being authorized, which can be generated with the "account:proof-of-possession" command.
USAGE  $ celocli account:authorize
OPTIONS  -r, --role=vote|validator|attestation                (required) Role to delegate
  --blsKey=0x                                          The BLS public key that the                                                       validator is using for consensus,                                                       should pass proof of possession.                                                       96 bytes.
  --blsPop=0x                                          The BLS public key                                                       proof-of-possession, which                                                       consists of a signature on the                                                       account address. 48 bytes.
  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d    (required) Account Address
  --globalHelp                                         View all available global flags
  --signature=0x                                       (required) Signature (a.k.a                                                       proof-of-possession) of the                                                       signer key
  --signer=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Account Address
EXAMPLES  authorize --from 0x5409ED021D9299bf6814279A6A1411A7e866A631 --role vote --signer  0x6ecbe1db9ef729cbe972c83fb886247691fb6beb --signature  0x1b9fca4bbb5bfb1dbe69ef1cddbd9b4202dcb6b134c5170611e1e36ecfa468d7b46c85328d504934fce6  c2a1571603a50ae224d2b32685e84d4d1a1eebad8452eb
  authorize --from 0x5409ED021D9299bf6814279A6A1411A7e866A631 --role validator --signer  0x6ecbe1db9ef729cbe972c83fb886247691fb6beb --signature  0x1b9fca4bbb5bfb1dbe69ef1cddbd9b4202dcb6b134c5170611e1e36ecfa468d7b46c85328d504934fce6  c2a1571603a50ae224d2b32685e84d4d1a1eebad8452eb --blsKey  0x4fa3f67fc913878b068d1fa1cdddc54913d3bf988dbe5a36a20fa888f20d4894c408a6773f3d7bde1115  4f2a3076b700d345a42fd25a0e5e83f4db5586ac7979ac2053cd95d8f2efd3e959571ceccaa743e02cf4be  3f5d7aaddb0b06fc9aff00 --blsPop  0xcdb77255037eb68897cd487fdd85388cbda448f617f874449d4b11588b0b7ad8ddc20d9bb450b513bb35  664ea3923900

See code: src/commands/account/authorize.ts

celocli account:balance ADDRESS#

View Celo Stables and CELO balances for an address

View Celo Stables and CELO balances for an address
USAGE  $ celocli account:balance ADDRESS
OPTIONS  --erc20Address=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  Address of generic ERC-20                                                             token to also check balance                                                             for
  --globalHelp                                               View all available global                                                             flags
EXAMPLES  balance 0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631
  balance 0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631 --erc20Address  0x765DE816845861e75A25fCA122bb6898B8B1282a

See code: src/commands/account/balance.ts

celocli account:claim-account FILE#

Claim another account, and optionally its public key, and add the claim to a local metadata file

Claim another account, and optionally its public key, and add the claim to a local metadata file
USAGE  $ celocli account:claim-account FILE
ARGUMENTS  FILE  Path of the metadata file
OPTIONS  --address=address                                  (required) The address of the                                                     account you want to claim
  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Address of the account                                                     to set metadata for or an                                                     authorized signer for the address                                                     in the metadata
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
  --publicKey=publicKey                              The public key of the account that                                                     others may use to send you                                                     encrypted messages
EXAMPLE  claim-account ~/metadata.json --address 0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  --from 0x47e172F6CfB6c7D01C1574fa3E2Be7CC73269D95

See code: src/commands/account/claim-account.ts

celocli account:claim-attestation-service-url FILE#

Claim the URL of the attestation service and add the claim to a local metadata file

Claim the URL of the attestation service and add the claim to a local metadata file
USAGE  $ celocli account:claim-attestation-service-url FILE
ARGUMENTS  FILE  Path of the metadata file
OPTIONS  --force                                            Ignore URL validity checks
  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Address of the account                                                     to set metadata for or an                                                     authorized signer for the address                                                     in the metadata
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
  --url=                         (required) The URL you want to                                                     claim. Should begin http://
EXAMPLE  claim-attestation-service-url ~/metadata.json --url --from  0x47e172F6CfB6c7D01C1574fa3E2Be7CC73269D95

See code: src/commands/account/claim-attestation-service-url.ts

celocli account:claim-domain FILE#

Claim a domain and add the claim to a local metadata file

Claim a domain and add the claim to a local metadata file
USAGE  $ celocli account:claim-domain FILE
ARGUMENTS  FILE  Path of the metadata file
OPTIONS  --domain=domain                                    (required) The domain you want to                                                     claim
  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Address of the account                                                     to set metadata for or an                                                     authorized signer for the address                                                     in the metadata
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
EXAMPLE  claim-domain ~/metadata.json --domain --from  0x47e172F6CfB6c7D01C1574fa3E2Be7CC73269D95

See code: src/commands/account/claim-domain.ts

celocli account:claim-keybase FILE#

Claim a keybase username and add the claim to a local metadata file

Claim a keybase username and add the claim to a local metadata file
USAGE  $ celocli account:claim-keybase FILE
ARGUMENTS  FILE  Path of the metadata file
OPTIONS  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Address of the account                                                     to set metadata for or an                                                     authorized signer for the address                                                     in the metadata
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
  --username=username                                (required) The keybase username you                                                     want to claim
EXAMPLE  claim-keybase ~/metadata.json --from 0x47e172F6CfB6c7D01C1574fa3E2Be7CC73269D95  --username myusername

See code: src/commands/account/claim-keybase.ts

celocli account:claim-name FILE#

Claim a name and add the claim to a local metadata file

Claim a name and add the claim to a local metadata file
USAGE  $ celocli account:claim-name FILE
ARGUMENTS  FILE  Path of the metadata file
OPTIONS  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Address of the account                                                     to set metadata for or an                                                     authorized signer for the address                                                     in the metadata
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
  --name=name                                        (required) The name you want to                                                     claim
EXAMPLE  claim-name ~/metadata.json --from 0x47e172F6CfB6c7D01C1574fa3E2Be7CC73269D95 --name  myname

See code: src/commands/account/claim-name.ts

celocli account:claim-storage FILE#

Claim a storage root and add the claim to a local metadata file

Claim a storage root and add the claim to a local metadata file
USAGE  $ celocli account:claim-storage FILE
ARGUMENTS  FILE  Path of the metadata file
OPTIONS  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Address of the account                                                     to set metadata for or an                                                     authorized signer for the address                                                     in the metadata
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
  --url=                         (required) The URL of the storage                                                     root you want to claim
EXAMPLE  claim-storage ~/metadata.json --url --from  0x47e172F6CfB6c7D01C1574fa3E2Be7CC73269D95

See code: src/commands/account/claim-storage.ts

celocli account:create-metadata FILE#

Create an empty identity metadata file. Use this metadata file to store claims attesting to ownership of off-chain resources. Claims can be generated with the account:claim-* commands.

Create an empty identity metadata file. Use this metadata file to store claims attesting to ownership of off-chain resources. Claims can be generated with the account:claim-* commands.
USAGE  $ celocli account:create-metadata FILE
ARGUMENTS  FILE  Path where the metadata should be saved
OPTIONS  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Address of the account                                                     to set metadata for or an                                                     authorized signer for the address                                                     in the metadata
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
EXAMPLE  create-metadata ~/metadata.json --from 0x47e172F6CfB6c7D01C1574fa3E2Be7CC73269D95

See code: src/commands/account/create-metadata.ts

celocli account:get-metadata ADDRESS#

Show information about an address. Retreives the metadata URL for an account from the on-chain, then fetches the metadata file off-chain and verifies proofs as able.

Show information about an address. Retreives the metadata URL for an account from the on-chain, then fetches the metadata file off-chain and verifies proofs as able.
USAGE  $ celocli account:get-metadata ADDRESS
ARGUMENTS  ADDRESS  Address to get metadata for
OPTIONS  -x, --extended          show extra columns  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo  --globalHelp            View all available global flags  --no-header             hide table header from output  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
EXAMPLE  get-metadata 0x97f7333c51897469E8D98E7af8653aAb468050a3

See code: src/commands/account/get-metadata.ts

celocli account:list#

List the addresses from the node and the local instance

List the addresses from the node and the local instance
USAGE  $ celocli account:list
OPTIONS  --globalHelp  View all available global flags
  --local       If set, only show local and hardware wallet accounts. Use no-local to                only show keystore addresses.

See code: src/commands/account/list.ts

celocli account:lock ACCOUNT#

Lock an account which was previously unlocked

Lock an account which was previously unlocked
USAGE  $ celocli account:lock ACCOUNT
ARGUMENTS  ACCOUNT  Account address
OPTIONS  --globalHelp  View all available global flags
EXAMPLE  lock 0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631

See code: src/commands/account/lock.ts

celocli account:new#

Creates a new account locally using the Celo Derivation Path (m/44'/52752'/0/changeIndex/addressIndex) and print out the key information. Save this information for local transaction signing or import into a Celo node. Ledger: this command has been tested swapping mnemonics with the Ledger successfully (only supports english)

Creates a new account locally using the Celo Derivation Path (m/44'/52752'/0/changeIndex/addressIndex) and print out the key information. Save this information for local transaction signing or import into a Celo node. Ledger: this command has been tested swapping mnemonics with the Ledger successfully (only supports english)
USAGE  $ celocli account:new
OPTIONS  --addressIndex=addressIndex      Choose the address index for the derivation path
  --changeIndex=changeIndex      Choose the change index for the derivation path
  --derivationPath=derivationPath      Choose a different derivation Path (Celo's default is "m/44'/52752'/0'"). Use "eth"      as an alias of the Ethereum derivation path ("m/44'/60'/0'"). Recreating the same      account requires knowledge of the mnemonic, passphrase (if any), and the derivation      path
  --globalHelp      View all available global flags
  --language=chinese_simplified|chinese_traditional|english|french|italian|japanese|kore  an|spanish      [default: english] Language for the mnemonic words. **WARNING**, some hardware      wallets don't support other languages
  --mnemonicPath=mnemonicPath      Instead of generating a new mnemonic (seed phrase), use the user-supplied mnemonic      instead. Path to a file that contains all the mnemonic words separated by a space      (example: "word1 word2 word3 ... word24"). If the words are a language other than      English, the --language flag must be used. Only BIP39 mnemonics are supported
  --passphrasePath=passphrasePath      Path to a file that contains the BIP39 passphrase to combine with the mnemonic      specified using the mnemonicPath flag and the index specified using the addressIndex      flag. Every passphrase generates a different private key and wallet address.
  new --passphrasePath myFolder/my_passphrase_file
  new --language spanish
  new --passphrasePath some_folder/my_passphrase_file --language japanese --addressIndex  5
  new --passphrasePath some_folder/my_passphrase_file --mnemonicPath  some_folder/my_mnemonic_file --addressIndex 5

See code: src/commands/account/new.ts

celocli account:offchain-read ADDRESS#

DEV: Reads the name from offchain storage

DEV: Reads the name from offchain storage
USAGE  $ celocli account:offchain-read ADDRESS
OPTIONS  --bucket=bucket                                    If using a GCP or AWS storage                                                     bucket this parameter is required
  --directory=directory                              [default: .] To which directory                                                     data should be written
  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  Account Address
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
  --provider=(git|aws|gcp)                           If the CLI should attempt to push                                                     to the cloud
EXAMPLES  offchain-read 0x...
  offchain-read 0x... --from 0x... --privateKey 0x...

See code: src/commands/account/offchain-read.ts

celocli account:offchain-write#

DEV: Writes a name to offchain storage

DEV: Writes a name to offchain storage
USAGE  $ celocli account:offchain-write
OPTIONS  --bucket=bucket           If using a GCP or AWS storage bucket this parameter is                            required
  --directory=directory     [default: .] To which directory data should be written
  --globalHelp              View all available global flags
  --name=name               (required)
  --privateKey=privateKey   (required)
  --provider=(git|aws|gcp)  If the CLI should attempt to push to the cloud
EXAMPLES  offchain-write --name test-account --privateKey 0x...
  offchain-write --name test-account --privateKey 0x...  privateDEK 0x... --encryptTo  0x...

See code: src/commands/account/offchain-write.ts

celocli account:proof-of-possession#

Generate proof-of-possession to be used to authorize a signer. See the "account:authorize" command for more details.

Generate proof-of-possession to be used to authorize a signer. See the "account:authorize" command for more details.
USAGE  $ celocli account:proof-of-possession
OPTIONS  --account=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Address of the                                                        account that needs to prove                                                        possession of the signer key.
  --globalHelp                                          View all available global flags
  --signer=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d   (required) Address of the signer                                                        key to prove possession of.
EXAMPLE  proof-of-possession --account 0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631 --signer  0x6ecbe1db9ef729cbe972c83fb886247691fb6beb

See code: src/commands/account/proof-of-possession.ts

celocli account:recover-old#

Recovers the Valora old account and print out the key information. The old Valora app (in a beta state) generated the user address using a seed of 32 bytes, instead of 64 bytes. As the app fixed that, some old accounts were left with some funds. This command allows the user to recover those funds.

Recovers the Valora old account and print out the key information. The old Valora app (in a beta state) generated the user address using a seed of 32 bytes, instead of 64 bytes. As the app fixed that, some old accounts were left with some funds. This command allows the user to recover those funds.
USAGE  $ celocli account:recover-old
OPTIONS  --addressIndex=addressIndex      Choose the address index for the derivation path
  --changeIndex=changeIndex      Choose the change index for the derivation path
  --derivationPath=derivationPath      Choose a different derivation Path (Celo's default is "m/44'/52752'/0'"). Use "eth"      as an alias of the Ethereum derivation path ("m/44'/60'/0'"). Recreating the same      account requires knowledge of the mnemonic, passphrase (if any), and the derivation      path
  --globalHelp      View all available global flags
  --language=chinese_simplified|chinese_traditional|english|french|italian|japanese|kore  an|spanish      [default: english] Language for the mnemonic words. **WARNING**, some hardware      wallets don't support other languages
  --mnemonicPath=mnemonicPath      (required) Path to a file that contains all the mnemonic words separated by a space      (example: "word1 word2 word3 ... word24"). If the words are a language other than      English, the --language flag must be used. Only BIP39 mnemonics are supported
  --passphrasePath=passphrasePath      Path to a file that contains the BIP39 passphrase to combine with the mnemonic      specified using the mnemonicPath flag and the index specified using the addressIndex      flag. Every passphrase generates a different private key and wallet address.
EXAMPLES  recover-old --mnemonicPath some_folder/my_mnemonic_file
  recover-old --mnemonicPath some_folder/my_mnemonic_file --passphrasePath  myFolder/my_passphrase_file
  recover-old --mnemonicPath some_folder/my_mnemonic_file --language spanish
  recover-old --mnemonicPath some_folder/my_mnemonic_file --passphrasePath  some_folder/my_passphrase_file --language japanese --addressIndex 5
  recover-old --mnemonicPath some_folder/my_mnemonic_file --passphrasePath  some_folder/my_passphrase_file --addressIndex 5

See code: src/commands/account/recover-old.ts

celocli account:register#

Register an account on-chain. This allows you to lock Gold, which is a pre-requisite for registering a Validator or Group, participating in Validator elections and on-chain Governance, and earning epoch rewards.

Register an account on-chain. This allows you to lock Gold, which is a pre-requisite for registering a Validator or Group, participating in Validator elections and on-chain Governance, and earning epoch rewards.
USAGE  $ celocli account:register
OPTIONS  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Account Address  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags  --name=name
EXAMPLES  register --from 0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631
  register --from 0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631 --name test-account

See code: src/commands/account/register.ts

celocli account:register-data-encryption-key#

Register a data encryption key for an account on chain. This key can be used to encrypt data to you such as offchain metadata or transaction comments

Register a data encryption key for an account on chain. This key can be used to encrypt data to you such as offchain metadata or transaction comments
USAGE  $ celocli account:register-data-encryption-key
OPTIONS  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Addess of the account to                                                     set the data encryption key for
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
  --publicKey=publicKey                              (required) The public key you want                                                     to register
EXAMPLE  register-data-encryption-key --publicKey 0x...  --from  0x47e172F6CfB6c7D01C1574fa3E2Be7CC73269D95

See code: src/commands/account/register-data-encryption-key.ts

celocli account:register-metadata#

Register metadata URL for an account where users will be able to retieve the metadata file and verify your claims

Register metadata URL for an account where users will be able to retieve the metadata file and verify your claims
USAGE  $ celocli account:register-metadata
OPTIONS  -x, --extended                                     show extra columns
  --columns=columns                                  only show provided columns                                                     (comma-separated)
  --csv                                              output is csv format [alias:                                                     --output=csv]
  --filter=filter                                    filter property by partial string                                                     matching, ex: name=foo
  --force                                            Ignore metadata validity checks
  --from=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Addess of the account to                                                     set metadata for
  --globalHelp                                       View all available global flags
  --no-header                                        hide table header from output
  --no-truncate                                      do not truncate output to fit                                                     screen
  --output=csv|json|yaml                             output in a more machine friendly                                                     format
  --sort=sort                                        property to sort by (prepend '-'                                                     for descending)
  --url=                         (required) The url to the metadata                                                     you want to register
EXAMPLE  register-metadata --url --from  0x47e172F6CfB6c7D01C1574fa3E2Be7CC73269D95

See code: src/commands/account/register-metadata.ts

celocli account:set-name#

Sets the name of a registered account on-chain. An account's name is an optional human readable identifier

Sets the name of a registered account on-chain. An account's name is an optional human readable identifier
USAGE  $ celocli account:set-name
OPTIONS  --account=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Account Address  --globalHelp                                          View all available global flags  --name=name                                           (required)
EXAMPLE  set-name --account 0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631 --name test-account

See code: src/commands/account/set-name.ts

celocli account:show ADDRESS#

Show information for an account, including name, authorized vote, validator, and attestation signers, the URL at which account metadata is hosted, the address the account is using with the mobile wallet, and a public key that can be used to encrypt information for the account.

Show information for an account, including name, authorized vote, validator, and attestation signers, the URL at which account metadata is hosted, the address the account is using with the mobile wallet, and a public key that can be used to encrypt information for the account.
USAGE  $ celocli account:show ADDRESS
OPTIONS  --globalHelp  View all available global flags
EXAMPLE  show 0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631

See code: src/commands/account/show.ts

celocli account:show-claimed-accounts ADDRESS#

Show information about claimed accounts

Show information about claimed accounts
USAGE  $ celocli account:show-claimed-accounts ADDRESS
OPTIONS  --globalHelp  View all available global flags
EXAMPLE  show-claimed-accounts 0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631

See code: src/commands/account/show-claimed-accounts.ts

celocli account:show-metadata FILE#

Show the data in a local metadata file

Show the data in a local metadata file
USAGE  $ celocli account:show-metadata FILE
ARGUMENTS  FILE  Path of the metadata file
OPTIONS  -x, --extended          show extra columns  --columns=columns       only show provided columns (comma-separated)  --csv                   output is csv format [alias: --output=csv]  --filter=filter         filter property by partial string matching, ex: name=foo  --globalHelp            View all available global flags  --no-header             hide table header from output  --no-truncate           do not truncate output to fit screen  --output=csv|json|yaml  output in a more machine friendly format  --sort=sort             property to sort by (prepend '-' for descending)
EXAMPLE  show-metadata ~/metadata.json

See code: src/commands/account/show-metadata.ts

celocli account:unlock ACCOUNT#

Unlock an account address to send transactions or validate blocks

Unlock an account address to send transactions or validate blocks
USAGE  $ celocli account:unlock ACCOUNT
ARGUMENTS  ACCOUNT  Account address
OPTIONS  --duration=duration  Duration in seconds to leave the account unlocked. Unlocks until                       the node exits by default.
  --globalHelp         View all available global flags
  --password=password  Password used to unlock the account. If not specified, you will                       be prompted for a password.
EXAMPLES  unlock 0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631
  unlock 0x5409ed021d9299bf6814279a6a1411a7e866a631 --duration 600

See code: src/commands/account/unlock.ts

celocli account:verify-proof-of-possession#

Verify a proof-of-possession. See the "account:proof-of-possession" command for more details.

Verify a proof-of-possession. See the "account:proof-of-possession" command for more details.
USAGE  $ celocli account:verify-proof-of-possession
OPTIONS  --account=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d  (required) Address of the                                                        account that needs to prove                                                        possession of the signer key.
  --globalHelp                                          View all available global flags
  --signature=0x                                        (required) Signature (a.k.a.                                                        proof-of-possession) of the                                                        signer key
  --signer=0xc1912fEE45d61C87Cc5EA59DaE31190FFFFf232d   (required) Address of the signer                                                        key to verify proof of                                                        possession.
EXAMPLE  verify-proof-of-possession --account 0x199eDF79ABCa29A2Fa4014882d3C13dC191A5B58  --signer 0x0EdeDF7B1287f07db348997663EeEb283D70aBE7 --signature  0x1c5efaa1f7ca6484d49ccce76217e2fba0552c0b23462cff7ba646473bc2717ffc4ce45be89bd5be9b5d  23305e87fc2896808467c4081d9524a84c01b89ec91ca3

See code: src/commands/account/verify-proof-of-possession.ts