Import a Valora Account to MetaMask with a Private Key
Importing a Celo Account to MetaMask allows you to extend Celo to any application that integrates with MetaMask. This guide helps you import your Celo account using a Valora Wallet and so you to access your Celo account using MetaMask.
Topics covered in this guide
- Prerequisites required to start using MetaMask and Celo
- Create a simple project directory to temporarily store project information
- Access your Valora account and private key with the celocli
- Import your private key to MetaMask to access your Celo account
PrerequisitesBefore getting started, it’s important to have downloaded MetaMask, Valora, and have completed some basic configuration on each account. Follow the links below for additional guides on each topic.
- Download MetaMask and create an account.
- Download Valora and create an account.
- Configure MetaMask to work with Celo
- Install the celocli
Getting StartedSet up your project
Create a new project directory.
mkdir valora-metamask
Change into your project directory.
cd valora-metamask
Create a text file to temporarily store your Valora Account Key.
touch valora-account-key.txt
Open the text file to store your Account Key.
open valora-account-key.txt
Valora Account and Private Keys- Open the Valora App, navigate to Menu > Account Key, and Enter PIN to reveal your Account Key.
The Account Key is a series of 24 unique words specific to your Valora wallet. Do not lose these words or share them with anyone at any time.
Populate Text File
Populate your text file with the Account Key shown in your Valora wallet.
one two three four five six seven...
Access Private Key
Open your terminal and type the following command to read your account information.
celocli account:new --mnemonicPath valora-account-key.txt
This command will display your Valora wallet mnemonic, accountAddress, privateKey, publicKey, and address.
mnemonic: one two three four five six seven...accountAddress: 0x...privateKey: [COPY THIS PRIVATE KEY]publicKey: ...address: 0x...
- Copy the privateKey from your terminal window.
This celocli command also shows your accountAddress. You won’t be using this in this guide, but it is important to verify that this is the correct address for your Valora wallet. Before moving on, confirm that the digits of the Account Address from your Valora Wallet match the accountAddress displayed in your terminal.
Anyone that has access to your private key will be able to access and control the funds in your wallet. Only store your private key in a safe location and do not share it with anyone.
Import Private Key to MetaMask- Open MetaMask and select Celo (Mainnet) as your network.`
- Select Settings > Import Account select type Private Key and paste the private key from your terminal window.
- Select Import to import your Celo Account from your Valora Wallet.
Metamask <3 ValoraMetaMask is now connected to your Valora wallet. The value of your Valora wallet should show in your MetaMask account and you can now use MetaMask to access your funds.
You may now delete your project directory along with the text file used to store your wallet address.